Müller Medien - Geschäftsbereiche
Müller Medien - Geschäftsbereiche

Together with a network of strong partners, Müller Medien constitutes a future-oriented corporate family in the media and digital sectors. Alongside the traditional directory business with both print and digital versions, this includes radio and television stations as well as book and weekly newspaper publishers. In the New Business division, Müller Medien implements new business models in cooperation with its partners.

Corporate family

The Müller Medien corporate family is locally connected and globally networked. Changes and challenges in the media world motivate us to respond to developments at an early stage so that we can help shape them.

Business divisions

Müller Medien constitutes a future-oriented network of strong partners in the media industry and is a reliable and competent consultant in the field of new media.

Business partners

The Müller Medien corporate family and its network of partners includes prominent companies from a variety of media branches.


The Müller Medien corporate family is locally connected, nationally present, and globally networked. We offer a wide range of career opportunities and prospects in our five business divisions.

Corporate family

The Müller Medien corporate family is locally connected and globally networked. Changes and challenges in the media world motivate us to respond to developments at an early stage so that we can help shape them.

Business divisions

Müller Medien constitutes a future-oriented network of strong partners in the media industry and is a reliable and competent consultant in the field of new media.

Business partners

The Müller Medien corporate family and its network of partners includes prominent companies from a variety of media branches.


The Müller Medien corporate family is locally connected, nationally present, and globally networked. We offer a wide range of career opportunities and prospects in our five business divisions.

Müller Medien


Nationwide, the corporate family has holdings in around 20 directory publishers.

The publications have a total circulation of around 22 million.

Müller Medien


The Müller Medien corporate family has invested in local radio and television stations since the liberalization of the Bavarian broadcasting market in 1984 and in regional and national stations with various program formats since 1990.

Müller Medien


In 1981, Müller Medien took over the publisher of children's and youth non-fiction books Tessloff Ragnar Tessloff GmbH & Co. KG. This represents the core of the Books business division.

Tessloff Verlag published the first non-fiction books for children in Germany and is now one of the leading publishers in this field.

Müller Medien

New Business

The rapid development of the Internet is constantly calling for new business models. With its New Business division, Müller Medien is opening up innovative areas of activity as well as additional revenues.

We are creating trends with our own companies and start-up partners. Managers and innovative teams from national and international companies are the creative basis of our numerous activities, large and small, in the online market.

Müller Medien


Nationwide, the corporate family has holdings in around 20 directory publishers.

The publications have a total circulation of around 22 million.

Müller Medien


The Müller Medien corporate family has invested in local radio and television stations since the liberalization of the Bavarian broadcasting market in 1984 and in regional and national stations with various program formats since 1990.

Müller Medien


In 1981, Müller Medien took over the publisher of children's and youth non-fiction books Tessloff Ragnar Tessloff GmbH & Co. KG. This represents the core of the Books business division.

Tessloff Verlag published the first non-fiction books for children in Germany and is now one of the leading publishers in this field.

Müller Medien

New Business

The rapid development of the Internet is constantly calling for new business models. With its New Business division, Müller Medien is opening up innovative areas of activity as well as additional revenues.

We are creating trends with our own companies and start-up partners. Managers and innovative teams from national and international companies are the creative basis of our numerous activities, large and small, in the online market.

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